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About the HotPeachPages
  1. Who links to the HotPeachPages?
  2. Thanks! from agenices that use the HPP
  3. Who's behind the HotPeachPages?

Abuse information and support for every woman and every girl on Earth. That’s the aim of the HotPeachPages website. At this point, we offer links to:

We are looking for celebrity spokeswomen, especially those who speak more than one language like:

and funders such as:

If you can introduce us to a funder or a celebrity spokeswoman, envelope.

We do not provide direct service. If you are in need of assistance, search our site for the agencies closest to you, and contact them for information and support.

The HotPeachPages is checked as often as possible for broken links.

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Why is it called the HotPeachPages?

Hot Peach Pie

  • The HotPeachPages started out as a resource page for phonebooks
    in Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1999.

  • The page for the phone book had a column of information on abuse and a column of phone numbers for local abuse help agencies
    (pdf see the 2000-2001 version).

  • Because the phone numbers were hotlines (crisis lines & emergency numbers) and because all the other pages in the phone book had colours for names—white pages, yellow pages, blue pages—we decided to call our phonebook abuse info page the HotPeachPages.

  • To find out how the HotPeachPages website emerged from the phonebook abuse info page:

    • here's an article on the conception, birth and development of the HotPeachPages web site; and
    • voici un article sur la conception, la naissance et le développement de le site HotPeachPages.

  • 'HotPeachPages' has no spaces in it so translation software can't translate it, so it's HotPeachPages all over the world. For example, if there were spaces, 'Hot Peach Pages' would be:

    • Heiße Pfirsich Seiten in German,
    • Pages de pêches chaudes in French,
    • 热桃页 in Chinese, and
    • in Urdu, گرم آڑو صفحات.

    Better to give a worldwide tool the same name, worldwide.

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How can individual agencies help women & the HotPeachPages?

  1. link to the HotPeachPages;

  2. encourage your umbrella (peak) organization to:

  3. send the HotPeachPages any abuse material in languages other than English that you come across, whether you find it on the internet, or in electronic or print form (street address available on request);

  4. if you don't have abuse material in the language of a woman you are serving, check to see if the HotPeachPages has abuse information in her language, and print it out for her if she'd like.

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Suggest a Link for the HotPeachPages

Adding to our world-wide HotPeachPages is easy—just email the HotPeachPages with information about and/or links to help agencies in your:

  • province,
  • state,
  • country, or
  • region,

or with a link to abuse information in a language other than English, and we'll add the information to our site.


  1. In most cases, we cannot provide links to individual agencies—there are simply too many single agency links in the world to manage. Instead, we provide links to lists of agencies, usually lists published on the internet by umbrella organizations like Gender-Based Violence Prevention Network in Africa. Before you submit your suggestion, do check to see if an agency you want to suggest is already listed on one of the lists we link to.

  2. If you want the HotPeachPages to link to your site, your site must link to the HotPeachPages.

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Link to the HotPeachPages

Please add a link from your site to the HotPeachPages. For every agency that links to the HotPeachPages, so many more women will find the information they need to break free from abuse. See Who Links to the HPP.

You can link using:

PLEASE NOTE: If you use an image, you must download it to your site rather than use the image location on our site, because our .htaccess file will not allow the latter.

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Kudos to the HotPeachPages from:


International Orgs

"We often refer your service as a resource for survivors and friends and family of survivors who write to us for help. Hot Peach Pages is an invaluable resource and unique, to our knowledge. We know our Say NO partners, and viewers from all over the world, can benefit from it and we would like to link to Hot Peach Pages to make it easy to do so." UN Women, June 2011

Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention, USA, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, September 2009: "I want to thank and congratulate you on your HotPeachPages Domestic Violence Directory. It is all that a resource site like this needs to be—visual, comprehensive and well thought out. It's easily accessible and navigated. And the information is spot on. I am certain you have saved many lives with this valuable resource.

"I love your pages. A marvellous piece of work." International Information Centre and Archives for the Women's Movement (IIAV), now called: Atria Institute on Gender Equality and Women's History, The Netherlands, 2004



"Found out about your awesome website during Commission on the Status of Women meetings in New York. Great work! Particularly impressed by how extensive it is ... you've got the whole African continent covered! Out of curiousity, I looked for us—YWCA Zambia—and was more than a little pleased to see us featured. Thank you so much for your time. Once again, fantastic work. Onward and upward." YWCA Zambia, April 2013



"What an amazing venture you have embarked on. Good luck." Domestic Violence Crisis Service, Australia, 2008

"Amazing website, really well done—I am so impressed. Thank you for your hard work!!" Women's Domestic Violence Crisis Service, Australia, 2008

"The HotPeachPages contains comprehensive lists and information for Australian towns from Darwin to Hobart, Perth to Cooktown, Sydney to Broome. We thoroughly recommend that you bookmark this site." Quote on Family Violence page, Suddenly Separated on Wayback Machine, Australia, 2007

"I just want to express my admiration for your site, and to let you know that we have added your link to our Family Violence pages. We are a newly launched Australian website targeted to recently separated people. We offer advice and help in accessing assistance, and think your site is an amazing resource. It's a shame that so many women need this information, but we are so glad that we found you. Keep up the good work." Suddenly Separated on Wayback Machine, Australia, September 2007

"We are at present in the process of updating our web site and we will include your fabulous site in our links." Domestic Violence Prevention Centre Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, 2004


New Zealand

"The 'HotPeachPages' site is a wonderful resource and for women of all nationalities. I like that the information is accessible in 71 different langauges. Well done." Rape Prevention Education, New Zealand, 2005

"I visited your common good and well presented web site today. It was really awesome experience. Sad thing is you have not included my Kannada language sad emoticon. It is the language of the 60 million people of Karnataka state in India. The Kannada speaking people are all around the world who are very eager to know about your web site content in their own language, like me. I think it will be worth the effort if you include Kannada in your web site." male visitor from New Zealand, 2005

Our reply: "We also feel sad that we do not have information on abuse in every language. Unfortunately, we are a non-funded volunteer organization, and we are only able to present or link to resources that others have published. So far, we have not been able to find abuse information in the Kannada language." HPP webmom, 2005

"Your web site is great, so i'm giving it some good publicity." Violence Free Network Wairarapa, New Zealand, 2004



"I had the opportunity to review the information for the Caribbean on the 'HotPeachPages'. I was pleasantly surprised at the wealth of information available for our area." Women's Coalition of St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, May 2013


Middle East

"Thank you for adding our organization to this pioneer global directory." ABAAD Resource Center for Gender Equality, Lebanon, February 2013



"We link to your site. It's a fantastic resource for survivors worldwide." Rape Crisis Network Ireland, November 15, 2013

"I love the way things are arranged, am sure they help women, and the name is great." young woman from Sweden, January 2010

"We will link to your site—it's great." Women's Aid Federation of England, United Kingdom, 2002



"great work ... we applaud you." Women Aware, Montreal, QC, Canada, September 2013

"The work you've put into the HotPeachPages defies belief." young Canadian woman, Dec 2009

"The HotPeachPages has assisted Edmonton Women's Shelter (aka WIN House) in our crisis work and brought relief to the faces of women when they read information about abuse in their own language. We can acknowledge the diversity of our community by referring abused women from many nations to a resource that will offer them help in their own language." Edmonton Women's Shelter, AB, Canada 2009

"Thanks so much. What a wonderful, amazing resource." anonymous Canadian, July 2007

"I came across the HotPeachPages and I love the resources. Very comprehensive. I ... congratulate you on a fabulous resource." Violence prevention worker, BC, Canada, April 2007

"Your web site is a FANTASTIC resource!" Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System, ON, Canada, 2005

"We have some [multi-lingual] resources which were all produced with funding from the Ontario Women's Directorate. You are very welcome to include them on your fabulous site. They both mention as a recommended resource. ... I love your site!" Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System, ON, Canada, 2005

"It will be good to have VictimLINK on the celebrated HotPeachPages. Cheers." VictimLINK, BC, Canada, 2005

"Many thanks for the HotPeachPages—very useful in our crisis work—a lot of women contact us from all over the world, a lot through the Rape Relief website, and we're able to track down supports closer to home much more easily now." Vancouver Rape Relief & Women's Shelter, BC, Canada, 2004

"I'm the 'webbie' for the TRCC/MWAR website.... their organization is listed in your fabulously useful directory." Toronto Rape Crisis Centre / Multicultural Women Against Rape, ON, Canada, 2003

"merci beaucoup d'avoir fait le changement si rapidement et pour l'info. Votre site est une très bonne ressource. thanks for making the change so fast and we really appreciate your web site, it's very useful. thank you and continue your good work !" Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes, ON, Canada, 2001

"Thank you for your ongoing endeavours to provide a valuable reference point for victims/survivors who need to find services in their community." Sexual Assault Care Ontario, ON, Canada, 2001

"Thanks for letting us know about your great web site. We will be making use of your English, French, Dene, Cree, German and Arabic resources." Unity House, Fort McMurray, AB, Canada, 2000

"I have just been reading some of the information on your website ... never have I seen a more complete and expert informational piece of work!!! THANK YOU. It is my strong opinion that everyone needs this information!!! I will be emailing all my friends that this info is here ...." United Church Ministry Student, Canada, 2000

"Fate was on my side when I heard you talk about the HotPeachPages web site on the radio. I never knew such great information and resources existed. I also learned that I am not crazy in thinking there has been something wrong with my life for several years now. I was led to believe it was all my fault. Now I know better ... I could go on but you have probably heard 'my' story many, many times! I just want to send you my gratitude for all the wonderful information that I found in my quest for a better life and well being." anonymous Canadian woman, 2000


United States

"Thank you for running such a great international resource! I have no doubt your page has helped countless women around the world." a Women's Studies major at an American University, USA, Oct 2015

"I just want to tell you your site has been our life saver, while helping others get help. We are a facebook page but slowly getting our website up and running. During the month of October, we posted your page link under every one of our posts. And with this we hope we helped at least one person. The resources you have are great. Thank you again for all your hard work in keeping your site updated." Founder of We Are Survivors, USA, Nov, 2014

"Your resource is PRICELESS! I work at a Maternity Center as a Social Worker and I met a woman from Morocco who was being abused by her American husband. Her husband has been using her immigration status and language barrier to control and mistreat her. I looked on websites of our local agencies but I could find NO INFORMATION in Arabic (?!). Then I googled "Arabic DV info" and your site came up. The information I was able to print and share with her was sooo valuable. She is able to read this information and understand that what is going on is wrong. I was also able to give her a copy of a safety planning guide that I could go over with her, as I had the English copy for myself from your site as well. How wonderful that you exist!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I will be contacting local DV agencies to suggest they link to your website for language resources." near Philadelphia, USA, May 2014

"I love your page and have already sent it to my Alma Mater's trauma advocacy program as a resource. I really appreciate you adding those links and look forward to seeing the growth of Hot Peach Pages!" male visitor from USA, December 2012

"Thank you for all that your network and website have done and continue to do for survivors living all over the world, and for updating the always changing list of resources that organizations and survivors rely on! Keep up the awesome work. Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center, USA, May 2011

"Readers of my Blog, if you've been following along, you'll know that I planned to include links to both Canadian and U.K. domestic abuse survivor services. During my search for agencies in other countries, I came across something better than I could have dreamed. And it's a brilliant idea: timely, important, and profound. So, get over there, check it out, and spread the word! HotPeachPages!" Blog entry at Patchwork: a Domestic Abuse Awareness Project, USA, on Wayback Machine, Oct 30, 2009

"Wow! The HotPeachPages is a pretty remarkable resource. Thanks!" young South Asian American 2009

"Great idea! Great service!" Stop the Silence, USA, 2008

"Thanks for all your hard work. Your site is awesome." National Domestic Violence Hotline, USA, April 2008

"Wow! What an amazing website. I just passed it along to all the staff here at Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence." USA, June 2007

"WOW, what a resource you have there. Congrats on an amazing collection of languages. You will never know all the good it will do in all those places. Boggles the mind. You've made the world a teeny bit smaller (in a good way)." VisiBone (Web Design Tools), USA, April 2007

"I just wanted to send you a quick thanks for your wonderful site. I don't know where the idea to set up a global resource for SV/DV crisis centers came from, but I have used it many times. I work at the Chicago Rape Crisis Center and we have gotten calls from various places in the world. Nice to know you are there when we need help. ... Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline, a program of the YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago, USA, March 2007

"The Hot Peach Pages web site is the most complete international abuse resource for women in the world.", USA, 2007

"One of the most comprehensive resources I could find on the web!!" End Violence Against Women INFO Project on Wayback Machine, USA, 2006

"Thanks so much for your site. We link to it from our resources section. The international agencies you provide are especially useful for us. Sometimes we hear from people in other countries, and, because we only provide services in the US, we direct them to your site for help." RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), USA, 2006

"Your site is beyond wonderful!! Great information!!" Women Against Domestic Violence, USA, 2006

"I would like to thank you for your work and the amazing resource you have created with HotPeachPages. It is the first place I go to when searching for resources for our clients, who are Americans experiencing domestic violence overseas. Thank you again for all of the wonderful work you do—keep it up!" Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center, USA, 2006

"We are thrilled with this website! Bravo!" New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women, NJ, USA, 2005

"VAWnet will certainly provide a prominent link to your web site .... It is a valuable resource often utilized by Technical Assistance Specialists with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence." National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet), USA, 2002


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Email the HotPeachPages

This website is shutting down. The only emails that will be answered as of June 1, 2021, are those enquiring about taking over the site. envelope only if you're interested in taking over this site.

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1We are not responsible for the quality of the resources listed. They are provided as a reference only.

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