To donate (with no tax credit, because the Hot Peach Pages doesn't have charitable status yet):
This website is called the HotPeachPages. It lists woman abuse agencies for every country in the world, including yours. It has abuse information in over 110 languages, including at least one that you speak, and probably most of those spoken by the women you know.
Because the HotPeachPages has valuable information for most of the world's victims of woman abuse and for every woman abuse agency in the world (see examples), we think this site should be as well-known to the world as Google or YouTube. Unfortunately, it’s not. We’d like to change that, with your help.
With Push the Peach, we intend to increase traffic on the HotPeachPages from its current 5,000 visits per month to at least 50,000, within a year, starting on International Day Against Violence Against Women, Nov 25, 2015. To help make that happen, we’re asking you to do one or more of the following:
See also:
Print these images onto iron-on transfers to make HotPeachPages t-shirts:
Note: the images are mirror images, so they look right after you iron them on.
UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman From 2006 to 2014, on the UNIFEM website, Nicole Kidman linked to the HotPeachPages from her You Can Help page. Under Get Involved, click the link that says: These organizations need your help and support |